Don Bosco Tech Gurdaspur Centre recently orchestrated an insightful field visit on February 7, 2024, at Aussie Hub Immigration located in Gurdaspur. The purpose of this excursion was to provide aspiring customer care executives with a profound understanding of the intricacies involved in the immigration services sector.

Upon arrival at Aussie Hub Immigration, our participants were warmly greeted and acquainted with the company's operational dynamics. The itinerary encompassed an extensive tour of the facilities, offering our executives a firsthand glimpse into the day-to-day operations and intricacies of immigration processes.

Interactive sessions with seasoned professionals from Aussie Hub facilitated invaluable insights into the challenges and nuances of customer interactions within the immigration domain. Through live customer interactions, our executives had the opportunity to witness effective problem-solving and communication techniques, thereby refining their own skills.

Moreover, the visit featured engaging workshops and simulations, providing a platform for participants to apply their knowledge in a controlled environment. This hands-on experience proved instrumental in enhancing their customer service skills, specifically tailored to the demands of the immigration industry.

Beyond professional development, the exposure visit fostered a sense of camaraderie among the participants. Networking opportunities allowed for interactions with industry professionals, nurturing a collaborative spirit.

In conclusion, the exposure visit organized by Don Bosco Tech Society at Aussie Hub Immigration in Gurdaspur was a truly enriching experience for our customer care executives. Equipped with practical knowledge and skills, they are now better prepared to navigate the dynamic landscape of customer service within the immigration domain.